
Neste tutorial veremos como adicionar um pop-up com o formulário do produto, que pode ser visto no item da lista de produtos.


1. A primeira coisa que vamos fazer é criar um novo snipplet chamado quick-shop.tpl dentro da pasta snipplets/grid com o seguinte código:

{% if settings.quick_shop %}
    {% embed "snipplets/modal.tpl" with{modal_id: 'quickshop-modal', modal_class: 'quickshop text-center', modal_position: 'bottom modal-bottom-sheet', modal_transition: 'slide', modal_header: true, modal_footer: true, modal_width: 'centered modal-docked-md modal-docked-md-centered', modal_mobile_full_screen: 'true' } %}
        {% block modal_body %}
        <div class="js-item-product" data-product-id="">
            <div class="js-product-container js-quickshop-container js-quickshop-modal js-quickshop-modal-shell" data-variants="" data-quickshop-id="">
                <div class="js-item-variants">
                    <div class="js-item-name h1 mb-1" data-store="product-item-name-{{ product.id }}"></div>
                    <div class="item-price-container mb-4" data-store="product-item-price-{{ product.id }}">
                        <span class="js-compare-price-display h4 price-compare"></span>
                        <span class="js-price-display h4"></span>
                    {# Image is hidden but present so it can be used on cart notification #}
                    <img srcset="" class="js-item-image js-quickshop-img hidden"/>
                    <div id="quickshop-form"></div>
        {% endblock %}
    {% endembed %}
{% endif %}

2. Depois, vamos procurar o snipplet item.tpl dentro da pasta snipplets/grid, pode ser que em seu layout esse snipplet seja chamado single_product.tpl, e usamos o seguinte código:

{% set slide_item = slide_item | default(false) %}
{% set columns = settings.grid_columns %}
{% set has_color_variant = false %}
{% if settings.product_color_variants %}
    {% for variation in product.variations if variation.name in ['Color', 'Cor'] and variation.options | length > 1 %}
        {% set has_color_variant = true %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
<div class="js-item-product {% if slide_item %}js-item-slide swiper-slide{% else %}col{% if columns == 2 %}-6 col-md-3{% else %}-12 col-md-4{% endif %}{% endif %} item item-product{% if not product.display_price %} no-price{% endif %}" data-product-type="list" data-product-id="{{ product.id }}" data-store="product-item-{{ product.id }}">
    {% if settings.quick_shop or settings.product_color_variants %}
        <div class="js-product-container js-quickshop-container {% if product.variations %}js-quickshop-has-variants{% endif %}" data-variants="{{ product.variants_object | json_encode }}" data-quickshop-id="quick{{ product.id }}{% if slide_item and section_name %}-{{ section_name }}{% endif %}">
    {% endif %}
        {% set product_url_with_selected_variant = has_filters ?  ( product.url | add_param('variant', product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id)) : product.url  %}
        {% if has_color_variant %}
            {# Item image will be the first avaiable variant #}
            {% set item_img_spacing = product.featured_variant_image.dimensions['height'] / product.featured_variant_image.dimensions['width'] * 100 %}
            {% set item_img_srcset = product.featured_variant_image %}
            {% set item_img_alt = product.featured_variant_image.alt %}
        {% else %}
            {# Item image will be the first image regardless the variant #}
            {% set item_img_spacing = product.featured_image.dimensions['height'] / product.featured_image.dimensions['width'] * 100 %}
            {% set item_img_srcset = product.featured_image %}
            {% set item_img_alt = product.featured_image.alt %}
        {% endif %}
        <div class="item-image mb-2">
            <div style="padding-bottom: {{ item_img_spacing }}%;" class="p-relative" data-store="product-item-image-{{ product.id }}">
                <a href="{{ product_url_with_selected_variant }}" title="{{ product.name }}">
                    <img alt="{{ item_img_alt }}" data-sizes="auto" data-expand="-10" src="{{ 'images/empty-placeholder.png' | static_url }}" data-srcset="{{ item_img_srcset | product_image_url('small')}} 240w, {{ item_img_srcset | product_image_url('medium')}} 320w, {{ item_img_srcset | product_image_url('large')}} 480w" class="js-item-image lazyautosizes lazyload img-absolute img-absolute-centered fade-in" /> 
                    <div class="placeholder-fade"></div>
                {% if settings.product_color_variants %}
                    {% include 'snipplets/labels.tpl' with {color: true} %}
                    {% include 'snipplets/grid/item-colors.tpl' %}
                {% else %}
                    {% include 'snipplets/labels.tpl' %}
                {% endif %}
        {% if (settings.quick_shop or settings.product_color_variants) and product.variations %}
            {# Hidden product form to update item image and variants: Also this is used for quickshop popup #}
            <div class="js-item-variants hidden">
                <form id="product_form" class="js-product-form" method="post" action="{{ store.cart_url }}">
                    <input type="hidden" name="add_to_cart" value="{{product.id}}" />
                    {% if product.variations %}
                        {% include "snipplets/product/product-variants.tpl" with {quickshop: true} %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% if product.available and product.display_price and settings.quick_shop %}
                        {% include "snipplets/product/product-quantity.tpl" with {quickshop: true} %}
                    {% endif %}
                    {% set state = store.is_catalog ? 'catalog' : (product.available ? product.display_price ? 'cart' : 'contact' : 'nostock') %}
                    {% set texts = {'cart': "Agregar al carrito", 'contact': "Consultar precio", 'nostock': "Sin stock", 'catalog': "Consultar"} %}
                    {# Add to cart CTA #}
                    <input type="submit" class="js-addtocart js-prod-submit-form btn btn-primary btn-block {{ state }}" value="{{ texts[state] | translate }}" {% if state == 'nostock' %}disabled{% endif %} />
                    {# Fake add to cart CTA visible during add to cart event #}
                    {% include 'snipplets/placeholders/button-placeholder.tpl' with {custom_class: "btn-block"} %}
        {% endif %}
        <div class="item-description" data-store="product-item-info-{{ product.id }}">
            <a href="{{ product_url_with_selected_variant }}" title="{{ product.name }}" class="item-link">
                <div class="js-item-name item-name mb-1" data-store="product-item-name-{{ product.id }}">{{ product.name }}</div>
                {% if product.display_price %}
                    <div class="item-price-container mb-1" data-store="product-item-price-{{ product.id }}">
                        <span class="js-compare-price-display price-compare" {% if not product.compare_at_price or not product.display_price %}style="display:none;"{% else %}style="display:inline-block;"{% endif %}>
                            {{ product.compare_at_price | money }}
                        <span class="js-price-display item-price">
                            {{ product.price | money }}
                {% endif %}
        {% include 'snipplets/payments/installments.tpl' %}
        {% if settings.quick_shop and product.available and product.display_price %}
            {# Trigger quickshop actions #}
            <div class="item-actions mt-2">
                {% if product.variations %}
                    {# Open quickshop popup if has variants #}
                    <a data-toggle="#quickshop-modal" data-modal-url="modal-fullscreen-quickshop" class="js-quickshop-modal-open {% if slide_item %}js-quickshop-slide{% endif %} js-modal-open js-fullscreen-modal-open btn btn-primary btn-small px-4" title="{{ 'Compra rápida de' | translate }} {{ product.name }}" aria-label="{{ 'Compra rápida de' | translate }} {{ product.name }}" >{{ 'Agregar al carrito' | translate }}</a>
                {% else %}
                    {# If not variants add directly to cart #}
                    <form id="product_form" class="js-product-form" method="post" action="{{ store.cart_url }}">
                        <input type="hidden" name="add_to_cart" value="{{product.id}}" />
                        {% set state = store.is_catalog ? 'catalog' : (product.available ? product.display_price ? 'cart' : 'contact' : 'nostock') %}
                        {% set texts = {'cart': "Agregar al carrito", 'contact': "Consultar precio", 'nostock': "Sin stock", 'catalog': "Consultar"} %}
                        <input type="number" name="quantity" value="1" class="js-quantity-input hidden" aria-label="{{ 'Cambiar cantidad' | translate }}" >
                        <input type="submit" class="js-addtocart js-prod-submit-form btn btn-primary btn-small {{ state }} px-4 mb-1" value="{{ texts[state] | translate }}" {% if state == 'nostock' %}disabled{% endif %} />
                        {# Fake add to cart CTA visible during add to cart event #}
                        {% include 'snipplets/placeholders/button-placeholder.tpl' with {custom_class: "js-addtocart-placeholder-inline btn-small mb-1"} %}
                {% endif %}
        {% endif %}
        {# Structured data to provide information for Google about the product content #}
        {% include 'snipplets/structured_data/item-structured-data.tpl' %}
    {% if settings.quick_shop or settings.product_color_variants %}
    {% endif %}

3.  Vamos adicionar um novo snipplet chamado button-placeholder.tpl dentro da pasta snipplets/placeholders para incluir transições do botão ao "Comprar". O código é o seguinte:

<div class="js-addtocart js-addtocart-placeholder btn btn-primary btn-transition disabled {{ custom_class }}" style="display: none;">
    <span class="js-addtocart-text transition-container btn-transition-start active">
        {{ 'Agregar al carrito' | translate }}
    <span class="js-addtocart-success transition-container btn-transition-success">
        {{ '¡Listo!' | translate }}
    <div class="js-addtocart-adding transition-container btn-transition-progress">
        {{ 'Agregando...' | translate }}

4. Dentro da pasta snipplets/product, vamos editar 2 arquivos. Por um lado, o snipplet product-quantity.tpl com o seguinte código.

{% if not quickshop %}
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col col-md-4">
{% endif %}
{% embed "snipplets/forms/form-input.tpl" with{type_number: true, input_value: '1', input_name: 'quantity' ~ item.id, input_custom_class: 'js-quantity-input text-center', input_label: false, input_append_content: true, input_group_custom_class: 'js-quantity form-row align-items-center', form_control_container_custom_class: 'col-6', input_min: '1', input_aria_label: 'Cambiar cantidad' | translate } %}
    {% block input_prepend_content %}
        <span class="js-quantity-down col-3 text-center">
            {% include "snipplets/svg/minus.tpl" with {svg_custom_class: "icon-inline icon-w-12 icon-lg svg-icon-text"} %}
    {% endblock input_prepend_content %}
    {% block input_append_content %}
        <span class="js-quantity-up col-3 text-center">
            {% include "snipplets/svg/plus.tpl" with {svg_custom_class: "icon-inline icon-w-12 icon-lg svg-icon-text"} %}
    {% endblock input_append_content %}
{% endembed %}
{% if not quickshop %}
{% endif %}

E por outro, o product-variants.tpl com o seguinte código.

<div class="js-product-variants{% if quickshop %} js-product-quickshop-variants text-left{% endif %} form-row">
    {% for variation in product.variations %}
        <div class="js-product-variants-group {% if loop.length == 3 %} {% if quickshop %}col-4{% else %}col-12{% endif %} col-md-4 {% elseif loop.length == 2 %} col-6 {% else %} col {% if quickshop %}col-md-12{% else %}col-md-6{% endif %}{% endif %}" data-variation-id="{{ variation.id }}">
            {% embed "snipplets/forms/form-select.tpl" with{select_label: true, select_label_name: '' ~ variation.name ~ '', select_for: 'variation_' ~ loop.index , select_id: 'variation_' ~ loop.index, select_data_value: 'variation_' ~ loop.index, select_name: 'variation' ~ '[' ~ variation.id ~ ']', select_custom_class: 'js-variation-option js-refresh-installment-data'} %}
                {% block select_options %}
                    {% for option in variation.options %}
                        <option value="{{ option.id }}" {% if product.default_options[variation.id] == option.id %}selected="selected"{% endif %}>{{ option.name }}</option>
                    {% endfor %}
                {% endblock select_options%}
            {% endembed %}
    {% endfor %}

5. Adicionamos um parâmetro de select_data no snipplet form-select.tpl dentro da pasta snipplets/forms. O código seria assim:

<div class="form-group {{ select_group_custom_class }}">
    {% if select_label %}
        <label {% if select_label_id%}id="{{ select_label_id }}"{% endif %} class="form-label {{ select_label_custom_class }}" {% if select_for %}for="{{ select_for }}"{% endif %}>{{ select_label_name }}</label>
    {% endif %}
        {% if select_id %}id="{{ select_id }}"{% endif %}
        class="form-select {{ select_custom_class }} {% if select_inline %}form-control-inline{% endif %}"
        {% if select_data %}data-{{select_data}}="{{select_data_value}}"{% endif %}
        {% if select_name %}name="{{ select_name }}"{% endif %}
        {% if select_aria_label %}aria-label="{{ select_aria_label }}"{% endif %}>
        {% block select_options %}
        {% endblock select_options %}
    <div class="form-select-icon">
        {% include "snipplets/svg/chevron-down.tpl" with {svg_custom_class: "icon-inline icon-w-14 icon-lg svg-icon-text"} %}

6. Agora precisamos criar o snipplet para o componente modal ou popup dentro da pasta snipplets. Este tpl se chama modal.tpl e o código é:

{# /*============================================================================
    // ID
    // Position - Top, Right, Bottom, Left
    // Transition - Slide and Fade
    // Width - Full and Box
    // modal_form_action - For modals that has a form
    // Block - modal_head
    // Block - modal_body
    // Block - modal_footer
{% set modal_overlay = modal_overlay | default(true) %}
<div id="{{ modal_id }}" class="js-modal {% if modal_mobile_full_screen %}js-fullscreen-modal{% endif %} modal modal-{{ modal_class }} modal-{{modal_position}} transition-{{modal_transition}} modal-{{modal_width}} transition-soft" style="display: none;">
    {% if modal_form_action %}
    <form action="{{ modal_form_action }}" method="post" class="{{ modal_form_class }}" {% if modal_form_hook %}data-store="{{ modal_form_hook }}"{% endif %}>
    {% endif %}
    <div class="js-modal-close {% if modal_mobile_full_screen %}js-fullscreen-modal-close{% endif %} modal-header">
        <span class="modal-close">
            {% include "snipplets/svg/times.tpl" with {svg_custom_class: "icon-inline svg-icon-text"} %}
        {% block modal_head %}{% endblock %}
    <div class="modal-body">
        {% block modal_body %}{% endblock %}
    {% if modal_footer %}
        <div class="modal-footer d-md-block">
            {% block modal_foot %}{% endblock %}
    {% endif %}
    {% if modal_form_action %}
    {% endif %}

7. Finalmente, em layout.tpl adicionamos o seguinte código para levantar o conteúdo do popup:

{# Quickshop modal #}
{% snipplet "grid/quick-shop.tpl" %}



Ter adicionado helper classes em seu layout. Você pode seguir este pequeno tutorial para fazer isso (é só copiar e colar algumas classes, não leva mais que 1 minuto).

1. Adicione os estilos no arquivo static/style-async.tpl

Se em seu layout você usar um stylesheet CSS assíncrono, precisaremos do seguinte código dentro dela, mas se não for o caso, você pode adicioná-lo no arquivo com seu CSS principal.

{# /* // Buttons */ #}
.btn-transition {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  .transition-container {
    position: absolute;
    top: 50%;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    margin-top: -7px;
    opacity: 0;
    text-align: center;
    @include prefix(transition, all 0.5s ease, webkit ms moz o);
    cursor: not-allowed;
    pointer-events: none;
    &.active {
      opacity: 1;
{# /* // Modals */ #}
.modal {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  display: block;
  width: 80%;
  height: 100%;
  padding: 10px;
  -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
  overflow-y: auto;
  transition: all .2s cubic-bezier(.16,.68,.43,.99);
  z-index: 20000;
    width: calc(100% + 20px);
    margin: -10px 0 10px -10px;
    padding: 10px 15px;
    font-size: 20px;
    padding: 10px;
    clear: both;
  &-full {
    width: 100%;
    width: 100%;
    width: 80%;
    top: -100%;
    left: 0;
    top: 100%;
    left: 0;
    left: -100%;
    right: -100%;
    height: 100%;
    width: 100%;
  &-bottom.modal-show {
    top: 0;
  &-bottom-sheet {
    top: initial;
    bottom: -100%;
    height: auto;
    &.modal-show {
      top: initial;
      bottom: 0;
      height: auto;
  &-left.modal-show {
    left: 0;
  &-right.modal-show {
    right: 0;
  &-close { 
    display: inline-block;
    padding: 1px 5px 5px 0;
    margin-right: 5px;
    vertical-align: middle;
    cursor: pointer;
    margin:  0 -10px 20px -10px;
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  background: #00000047;
  z-index: 10000;
@media (min-width: 768px) { 
  {# /* Modals */ #}
      height: 80%;
      width: 80%;
      left: 10%;
      margin: 5% auto;
      width: 500px;
        left: calc(50% - 250px);
        bottom: auto;
        height: auto;
    &-bottom-sheet {
      top: 100%;
      &.modal-show {
        top: 0;
        bottom: auto;
      width: 350px;


1. JavaScript precisam ser adicionados no arquivo store.js.tpl (ou onde você tem suas funções JS). O código que precisamos é o seguinte:

O JS para os modais funcionarem:

    ==============================================================================*/ #}

    {% if settings.quick_shop %}

        restoreQuickshopForm = function(){

            {# Restore form to item when quickshop closes #}

            {# Clean quickshop modal #}

            jQueryNuvem("#quickshop-modal .js-item-product").removeClass("js-swiper-slide-visible js-item-slide");
            jQueryNuvem("#quickshop-modal .js-quickshop-container").attr( { 'data-variants' : '' , 'data-quickshop-id': '' } );
            jQueryNuvem("#quickshop-modal .js-item-product").attr('data-product-id', '');

            {# Wait for modal to become invisible before removing form #}
                var $quickshop_form = jQueryNuvem("#quickshop-form").find('.js-product-form');
                var $item_form_container = jQueryNuvem(".js-quickshop-opened").find(".js-item-variants");

    {% endif %}
    {# Full screen mobile modals back events #}

    if (window.innerWidth < 768) {

        {# Clean url hash function #}

        cleanURLHash = function(){
            const uri = window.location.toString();
            const clean_uri = uri.substring(0, uri.indexOf("#"));
            window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, clean_uri);

        {# Go back 1 step on browser history #}

        goBackBrowser = function(){

        {# Clean url hash on page load: All modals should be closed on load #}

        if(window.location.href.indexOf("modal-fullscreen") > -1) {

        {# Open full screen modal and url hash #}

        jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-fullscreen-modal-open", function(e) {
            var modal_url_hash = jQueryNuvem(this).data("modalUrl");
            window.location.hash = modal_url_hash;

        {# Close full screen modal: Remove url hash #}

        jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-fullscreen-modal-close", function(e) {

        {# Hide panels or modals on browser backbutton #}

        window.onhashchange = function() {
            if(window.location.href.indexOf("modal-fullscreen") <= -1) {

                {# Close opened modal #}


                    {# Remove body lock only if a single modal is visible on screen #}

                    if(jQueryNuvem(".js-modal.modal-show").length == 1){

                    var $opened_modal = jQueryNuvem(".js-fullscreen-modal.modal-show");
                    var $opened_modal_overlay = $opened_modal.prev();

                    setTimeout(() => $opened_modal.hide(), 500);

                    {% if settings.quick_shop %}
                    {% endif %}
    jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-modal-open", function(e) {
        var modal_id = jQueryNuvem(this).data('toggle');
        var $overlay_id = jQueryNuvem('.js-modal-overlay[data-modal-id="' + modal_id + '"]');
        if (jQueryNuvem(modal_id).hasClass("modal-show")) {
            let modal = jQueryNuvem(modal_id).removeClass("modal-show");
            setTimeout(() => modal.hide(), 500);
        } else {

            {# Lock body scroll if there is no modal visible on screen #}

    jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-modal-close", function(e) {
        {# Remove body lock only if a single modal is visible on screen #}

        if(jQueryNuvem(".js-modal.modal-show").length == 1){
        var $modal = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-modal");
        var modal_id = $modal.attr('id');
        var $overlay_id = jQueryNuvem('.js-modal-overlay[data-modal-id="#' + modal_id + '"]');
        setTimeout(() => $modal.hide(), 500);
        {% if settings.quick_shop %}
        {% endif %}

        {# Close full screen modal: Remove url hash #}

        if ((window.innerWidth < 768) && (jQueryNuvem(this).hasClass(".js-fullscreen-modal-close"))) {

    jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-modal-overlay", function(e) {
        {# Remove body lock only if a single modal is visible on screen #}

        if(jQueryNuvem(".js-modal.modal-show").length == 1){
        var modal_id = jQueryNuvem(this).data('modalId');
        let modal = jQueryNuvem(modal_id).removeClass("modal-show");
        setTimeout(() => modal.hide(), 500); 
        {% if settings.quick_shop %}
        {% endif %}

        if (jQueryNuvem(this).hasClass("js-fullscreen-overlay") && (window.innerWidth < 768)) {

O JS para atualizar as informações do produto ao alterar variantes:

jQueryNuvem(document).on("change", ".js-variation-option", function(e) {

    var $parent = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-product-variants");
    var $variants_group = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-product-variants-group");
    var $quickshop_parent_wrapper = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-quickshop-container");

    {# If quickshop is used from modal, use quickshop-id from the item that opened it #}
        var quick_id = jQueryNuvem(".js-quickshop-opened .js-quickshop-container").data("quickshopId");
        var quick_id = $quickshop_parent_wrapper.data("quickshopId");


        var $quickshop_parent = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-item-product");

        {# Target visible slider item if necessary #}
            var $quickshop_variant_selector = '.js-swiper-slide-visible .js-quickshop-container[data-quickshop-id="'+quick_id+'"]';
            var $quickshop_variant_selector = '.js-quickshop-container[data-quickshop-id="'+quick_id+'"]';
        LS.changeVariant(changeVariant, $quickshop_variant_selector);

    } else {
        LS.changeVariant(changeVariant, '#single-product');

    {# Offer and discount labels update #}

    var $this_product_container = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-product-container");

        var this_quickshop_id = $this_product_container.attr("data-quickshop-id");
        var $this_product_container = jQueryNuvem('.js-product-container[data-quickshop-id="'+this_quickshop_id+'"]');
    var $this_compare_price = $this_product_container.find(".js-compare-price-display");
    var $this_price = $this_product_container.find(".js-price-display");
    var $installment_container = $this_product_container.find(".js-product-payments-container");
    var $installment_text = $this_product_container.find(".js-max-installments-container");
    var $this_add_to_cart = $this_product_container.find(".js-prod-submit-form");

    // Get the current product discount percentage value
    var current_percentage_value = $this_product_container.find(".js-offer-percentage");

    // Get the current product price and promotional price
    var compare_price_value = $this_compare_price.html();
    var price_value = $this_price.html();

    // Calculate new discount percentage based on difference between filtered old and new prices
    const percentageDifference = window.moneyDifferenceCalculator.percentageDifferenceFromString(compare_price_value, price_value);
        $this_product_container.find(".js-offer-label").css("display" , "table");

    if ($this_compare_price.css("display") == "none" || !percentageDifference) {

    if ($this_add_to_cart.hasClass("nostock")) {
    else {
    if ($this_price.css('display') == 'none'){

Em seguida, o JS para o modal eleva o conteúdo correspondente e também é sincronizado com a funcionalidade Cores no item do produto, se houver:

{% if settings.product_color_variants %}

    {# Product color variations #}

    jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-color-variant", function(e) {
        $this = jQueryNuvem(this);

        var option_id = $this.data('option');
        $selected_option = $this.closest('.js-item-product').find('.js-variation-option option').filter(function(el) {
            return el.value == option_id;
        $selected_option.prop('selected', true).trigger('change');
        var available_variant = jQueryNuvem(this).closest(".js-quickshop-container").data('variants');

        var available_variant_color = jQueryNuvem(this).closest('.js-color-variant-active').data('option');

        for (var variant in available_variant) {
            if (option_id == available_variant[variant]['option'+ available_variant_color ]) {

                if (available_variant[variant]['stock'] == null || available_variant[variant]['stock'] > 0 ) {

                    var otherOptions = getOtherOptionNumbers(available_variant_color);

                    var otherOption = available_variant[variant]['option' + otherOptions[0]];
                    var anotherOption = available_variant[variant]['option' + otherOptions[1]];

                    changeSelect(jQueryNuvem(this), otherOption, otherOptions[0]);
                    changeSelect(jQueryNuvem(this), anotherOption, otherOptions[1]);

    function getOtherOptionNumbers(selectedOption) {
        switch (selectedOption) {
            case 0:
                return [1, 2];
            case 1:
                return [0, 2];
            case 2:
                return [0, 1];

    function changeSelect(element, optionToSelect, optionIndex) {
        if (optionToSelect != null) {
            var selected_option_attribute = element.closest('.js-item-product').find('.js-color-variant-available-' + (optionIndex + 1)).data('value');
            var selected_option = element.closest('.js-item-product').find('#' + selected_option_attribute + " option").filter(function(el) {
                return el.value == optionToSelect;

            selected_option.prop('selected', true).trigger('change');

{% endif %}

{% if settings.product_color_variants or settings.quick_shop %}

    {# Product quickshop for color variations #}

        {# Show product image on color change #}
        var current_image = jQueryNuvem('.js-item-product[data-product-id="'+variant.product_id+'"] .js-item-image');
        current_image.attr('srcset', variant.image_url);
{% endif %}

{% if settings.quick_shop %}
    jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-quickshop-modal-open", function (e) {
        var $this = jQueryNuvem(this);
            jQueryNuvem("#quickshop-modal .js-item-product").addClass("js-swiper-slide-visible js-item-slide");

    {# Get width of the placeholder button #}
    var productButttonWidth = jQueryNuvem(".js-addtocart-placeholder-inline").prev(".js-addtocart").innerWidth();
{% endif %}

Finalmente, o JS que atualiza o botão e a notificação ao adicionar ao carrinho:

jQueryNuvem(document).on("click", ".js-addtocart:not(.js-addtocart-placeholder)", function (e) {

    {# Button variables for transitions on add to cart #}

    var $productContainer = jQueryNuvem(this).closest('.js-product-container');
    var $productVariants = $productContainer.find(".js-variation-option");
    var $productButton = $productContainer.find("input[type='submit'].js-addtocart");
    var $productButtonPlaceholder = $productContainer.find(".js-addtocart-placeholder");
    var $productButtonText = $productButtonPlaceholder.find(".js-addtocart-text");
    var $productButtonAdding = $productButtonPlaceholder.find(".js-addtocart-adding");
    var $productButtonSuccess = $productButtonPlaceholder.find(".js-addtocart-success");

    {# Define if event comes from quickshop or product page #}

    var isQuickShop = $productContainer.hasClass('js-quickshop-container');

    if (!isQuickShop) {
        if(jQueryNuvem(".js-product-slide-img.js-active-variant").length) {
            var imageSrc = $productContainer.find('.js-product-slide-img.js-active-variant').data('srcset').split(' ')[0];
        } else {
            var imageSrc = $productContainer.find('.js-product-slide-img').attr('srcset').split(' ')[0];
        var name = $productContainer.find('.js-product-name').text();
        var price = $productContainer.find('.js-price-display').text();
    } else {
        var imageSrc = jQueryNuvem(this).closest('.js-quickshop-container').find('img').attr('srcset');
        var name = $productContainer.find('.js-item-name').text();
        var price = $productContainer.find('.js-price-display').text().trim(); 

    var quantity = $productContainer.find('.js-quantity-input').val();
    var addedToCartCopy = "{{ 'Agregar al carrito' | translate }}";

    if (!jQueryNuvem(this).hasClass('contact')) {

        {% if settings.ajax_cart %}
        {% endif %}

        {# Hide real button and show button placeholder during event #}


        {% if settings.ajax_cart %}

            var callback_add_to_cart = function(){

                {# Animate cart amount #}



                {# Fill notification info #}

                jQueryNuvem('.js-cart-notification-item-img').attr('srcset', imageSrc);

                    var output = [];

                    $productVariants.each( function(el){
                        var variants = jQueryNuvem(el);
                    jQueryNuvem(".js-cart-notification-item-variant").text(output.join(', '))

                {# Set products amount wording visibility #}

                var cartItemsAmount = jQueryNuvem(".js-cart-widget-amount").text();

                if(cartItemsAmount > 1){

                {# Show button placeholder with transitions #}



                    $productButton.css('display' , 'inline-block');


                if (isQuickShop) {
                    if (window.innerWidth < 768) {
               {# Show notification and hide it only after second added to cart #}


                if (!cookieService.get('first_product_added_successfully')) {
                    cookieService.set('first_product_added_successfully', 1, 7 ); 
                } else{
                            jQueryNuvem('.js-cart-notification-item-img').attr('src', '');

                {# Update shipping input zipcode on add to cart #}

                {# Use zipcode from input if user is in product page, or use zipcode cookie if is not #}

                if (jQueryNuvem("#product-shipping-container .js-shipping-input").val()) {
                    zipcode_on_addtocart = jQueryNuvem("#product-shipping-container .js-shipping-input").val();
                    jQueryNuvem("#cart-shipping-container .js-shipping-input").val(zipcode_on_addtocart);
                } else if (cookieService.get('calculator_zipcode')){
                    var zipcode_from_cookie = cookieService.get('calculator_zipcode');
            var callback_error = function(){

                {# Restore real button visibility in case of error #}

                $productButton.css('display' , 'inline-block');
            $prod_form = jQueryNuvem(this).closest("form");
                '{{ "Agregar al carrito" | translate }}',
                '{{ "Agregando..." | translate }}',
                '{{ "¡Uy! No tenemos más stock de este producto para agregarlo al carrito." | translate }}',
                {{ store.editable_ajax_cart_enabled ? 'true' : 'false' }},
        {% endif %}


No arquivo config/settings.txt, adicionaremos um checkbox para ativar e desativar a funcionalidade. Vamos colocá-lo na seção Lista de produtos.

        title = Compra rápida
        name = quick_shop
        description = Permitir que tus clientes puedan agregar productos a su carrito rápidamente desde el listado de productos


Nesta etapa, adicionamos os textos para as traduções no arquivo  config/translations.txt

es "Compra rápida"
pt "Compra rápida"
es_mx "Compra rápida"

es "Permitir que tus clientes puedan agregar productos a su carrito rápidamente desde el listado de productos"
pt "Permitir que seus clientes possam agregar produtos ao seu carrinho rapidamente na lista de produtos"
es_mx "Permitir que tus clientes puedan agregar productos a su carrito rápidamente desde el listado de productos"

es "Compra rápida de"
pt "Compra rápida de"
en "Quickshop of"
es_mx "Compra rápida de"


Por fim, para ativar esses banners, você pode fazer isso no Adminstrador Nuvem, na seção Personalizar meu layout atual na Lista de produtos: